Hello everyone!
I think president Uchtdorf has vary accurately found the theme in my life this past week and taught me exactly how to fix it. My favorite General conference is April 2015; in priesthood session he gave a talk titled "on being genuine." It is just fantastic but one story in particular came to my mind last night. He talks about a stake president who set lots of lofty goals and programs to "improve" the stake. However, he later was troubled as he started thinking about the individuals and their needs. He realized that while the goals seemed impressive and meaningful, they weren't really focusing on the members. He realized that what you can count, doesn't count very much, but the things you cannot count usually count the most.
I have definitely fallen victim to that. Over the last week I saw the mistakes I had made and the weaknesses I have and was annoyed by them. I began to set big life altering goals to completely annihilat these tendencies in myself and force myself in a way to be better. Even worse, I began looking down on others because they had not set goals as big as mine and so therefore their vision or testimony must not be as big as mine. As you can tell, all of those ideas are rooted in enmity and come from the wrong voices. It got to the point that I was so busy trying to plan out my perfect little life that would be free of all the things that "other people" do that I could not focus at all on the investigators and their needs to teach a lesson.
I am very grateful now that Heavenly Father has brought me back to humility and helped me to see the true worth in myself and all of his children. This worth is not dependent at all upon our own self improvement. It comes because we are His and He loves us. I am grateful to realize my reliance on him. I am reminded of another talk by president uchtdorf called "it works wonderfully." The gospel is supposed to bring us joy and love. Sometimes I over complicate the gospel with layers of man made programs and ideas. It doesn't bring me joy at all. But I am happy to say now that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect and it works wonderfully. I will be happy to go out and share it with others.
I think president Uchtdorf has vary accurately found the theme in my life this past week and taught me exactly how to fix it. My favorite General conference is April 2015; in priesthood session he gave a talk titled "on being genuine." It is just fantastic but one story in particular came to my mind last night. He talks about a stake president who set lots of lofty goals and programs to "improve" the stake. However, he later was troubled as he started thinking about the individuals and their needs. He realized that while the goals seemed impressive and meaningful, they weren't really focusing on the members. He realized that what you can count, doesn't count very much, but the things you cannot count usually count the most.
I have definitely fallen victim to that. Over the last week I saw the mistakes I had made and the weaknesses I have and was annoyed by them. I began to set big life altering goals to completely annihilat these tendencies in myself and force myself in a way to be better. Even worse, I began looking down on others because they had not set goals as big as mine and so therefore their vision or testimony must not be as big as mine. As you can tell, all of those ideas are rooted in enmity and come from the wrong voices. It got to the point that I was so busy trying to plan out my perfect little life that would be free of all the things that "other people" do that I could not focus at all on the investigators and their needs to teach a lesson.
I am very grateful now that Heavenly Father has brought me back to humility and helped me to see the true worth in myself and all of his children. This worth is not dependent at all upon our own self improvement. It comes because we are His and He loves us. I am grateful to realize my reliance on him. I am reminded of another talk by president uchtdorf called "it works wonderfully." The gospel is supposed to bring us joy and love. Sometimes I over complicate the gospel with layers of man made programs and ideas. It doesn't bring me joy at all. But I am happy to say now that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is perfect and it works wonderfully. I will be happy to go out and share it with others.
I want to give a shoutout to my dad. He has taught me over
and over again throughout my life by his example that people are always the
most important. No matter what the situation - at work with patients, with
friends, or most of all with family - he thinks of the individuals. I know that
neither time, distance, money, profit, nor any material thing stops him from
trying to do the best for people, especially my sisters and me.
Also a shoutout toPresident Stone for being the nicest
mission president ever! Elder Sanders and I had an absolute blast this week.
love you all! Enjoy your Monday.
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